- #Frederic edwin church scene from magdalene professional#
- #Frederic edwin church scene from magdalene windows#
The mural brass below also includes John Quick (1820-1915), who erected the window. The Book opf Ruth, with its emphasis on family piety, was a favourite with the Victorians, as the story taught the importance of 'honest industry and humble patience, in poverty and hardship.' Three angels in the head tracery hold scrolls. Above the transom Ruth is shown in the cornfield, kneeling to Boaz. In the lights to either side are single figures of Boaz and Naomi. The main central scene shows Ruth remaining with Naomi while the other daughter-in-law returns to her relatives. The window is based on episodes from the Book of Ruth. work on South Molton, "Records of the Borough of South Molton", published in 1893. A keen antiquarian, he wrote the standard 19thC.
#Frederic edwin church scene from magdalene professional#
Towards the end of his life he practised as a surveyor, accomplishing the rise from tradesman to professional status. Like his father he was a councillor and alderman, and became Mayor in 1866, playing a major part in improving the parish churchyard. (1831-1894) inherited Woodville in South Street, and the building firm. (1795-1881) was a carpenter who eventually took over the Hacche saw mills. DEDICATION: Various members of the Cock family whose prosperity was based on building and contracting. At the top is the dove of the Holy Spirit. ( The Cock family, to whom the window was dedicated, were successful builders.) The head tracery has demi-figures of St. Simon ( they are often paired because they were thought to be brothers, and suffered martyrdom together.) St. The central light represents Christ in Majesty. As such they are important documents of local history. They are thus monuments to the aspirations and close family connections of people well known in the town at the time.
#Frederic edwin church scene from magdalene windows#
These were very expensive, especially so at South Molton where so many of the windows were particularly large. Victorian stained glass windows are usually memorials commemorating members of prosperous local families. But early on local firms were also established in Devon. The development of the railways by this time made it easy for craftsmen and designers to work across the country. This coincided with a major revival in the art of making stained glass windows. By the 1850's Anglicanism was going through further national changes, and at this time the building underwent major restoration. traceried windows being altered, however by this date any medieval stained glass had long since disappeared. Mary Magdalene was adapted in Georgian times to suit changing Anglican services, and this resulted in the 15th C. To begin with it often replaced earlier wall paintings whose purpose was to explain bible stories to a largely illiterate congregation. Stained glass windows have been used in churches since the fourth century.